Dismantling Raci(al/st) Ideology | Quartz Network Presentation

This presentation shows how the concept of race, while not rooted in biology or science, continues to be naturalized and viewed as something "of nature." The camouflaging of racism as race (i.e., race[ism]) remains, in large part, why many people and institutions have failed to entirely and meaningfully address racism even when actively participating in anti-racist efforts. With this in mind, Dr. Mason shares six philosophies of race, information rarely taught and learned. She encourages viewers to stop conflating culture with race and race with ethnicity or culture and offers solutions for race(ism) (i.e., racism) and offers other ideas to consider. Ultimately, this presentation shows how many of us unintentionally uphold racism. Importantly, this presentation shares how we can stop. This presentation is part of the Quartz Network's CONNECT HR Leadership Summit July 2021. While tending to many complex ideas can be impossible to synthesize into a twenty minute presentation, Dr. Mason does her best to start somewhere close to the "beginning" and bring us closer toward imagining a different and more liberatory future. More to come...


Free Your Mind with Dr. Sheena Mason | an Introduction