Sheena Mason, PH.D.


About Sheena

Sheena Mason, Ph.D. CV

Dr. Sheena Michele Mason is an influential and innovative scholar, educator, and advocate for antirace/ism. With a distinguished academic and professional background and a passion for education and dismantling the causes and effects of racism, Dr. Mason has dedicated her career to helping to foster a society that transcends the limitations of racism. Let’s delve into her journey.

Educational Odyssey:

Dr. Mason’s intellectual journey began as an undergraduate at SUNY Plattsburgh. There, she completed an advanced honors thesis titled, “Institutionalized Erasure: Percival Everett’s Assault on Society’s Tradition of Abetting the Imposition of an Authentic African American Identity.” Under the guidance of Dr. Tracie Church-Guzzio, Dr. Mason was enthralled with researching racism and the reconstructive efforts that underpinned human rights efforts. As the chosen student commencement speaker, people were often shocked to learn that her path had been far from “easy” or straightforward. She continued her journey at the University of Houston, studying with the likes of W. Lawrence Hogue.

There, she further immersed herself in understanding the historical and contemporary production and reproduction of “race” via “blackness.” After earning her Master of Arts in English, she went to study at Howard University in Washington, D.C., where she earned her Doctor of Philosophy in English with distinction. She came full circle by being one of four invited student keynote speakers at her graduation, representing her division: Arts and Humanities. Her specializations include African American, American, and Caribbean Literatures. Her dissertation, titled “Decolonizing the Raci(al/st) Imagination in Literary Studies,” marked the beginning of her impactful contributions to the field. At the earliest stages of the development of the theory of racelessness, she came to assert that to undo racism, we must undo “race,” which reflects her philosophical journey through different ways of thinking what “race” is and what we should do with it.

A Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion:

In January 2023, Dr. Mason further enriched her knowledge of human rights efforts by completing a program in Diversity & Inclusion for Human Resources at Cornell University. This certification reflects her commitment to fostering inclusive environments and addressing systemic issues by knowing, truly, what the general practices in Diversity and Inclusion efforts actually are. Thus, the certificate was also part of her public-facing research.

Academic Career:

Dr. Mason currently serves as an Assistant Professor of English at Oneonta State University of New York where she continues to inspire and guide students toward a nuanced understanding of literature, philosophy, history, and culture. Her teaching extends beyond traditional boundaries, encompassing courses such as African American Literature, Literature of the Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights and Its Literature, Postcolonial Literature and Culture: Africa and the Americas, Creolization and Literature, African American Women Writers, and Modern Black Literature.

Before graduating from Howard University, she taught at California Lutheran University, Howard University, and the College of William and Mary, where she has contributed to shaping the next generation of critical thinkers. Additionally, Dr. Mason worked with the Freedom Project Network, a nonprofit, in Arkansas and Mississippi for four consecutive years as a teacher and program manager for their Freedom Summer Collegiate. Dr. Mason also taught 9-12th grade English Language Arts at a charter school in Houston, Texas as a Teach For America corps member. Before and after teaching high school, she worked in the fitness industry, ending her career as a general manager of a location in San Jose, California to start her doctorate in Washington, DC. She brings to the fore of her work a combination of education, business know-how, personal experience, and relationship building acumen that is uncommon.

Published Works:

Dr. Mason’s impact extends beyond the classroom through her numerous publications. Notable among them are her books, The Raceless Antiracist: Why Ending Race is the Future of Antiracism (February 2024) and Theory of Racelessness: A Case for Philosophies of Antirace(ism) (Palgrave MacMillan, 2022).

Her articles and book chapters explore a wide range of topics, from “Black Liberation Movements” to the intersections of art and literature, reflecting her dedication to comprehensive and interdisciplinary approaches to social justice issues. For a comprehensive list of her publications, visit the publications page.

Engagement Beyond Academia:

Beyond academia, Dr. Mason is an active participant in public discourse on the theory of raceless and antiracism. She has been featured in various podcasts, interviews, and publications, contributing her expertise to national and international conversations.


Innovative Initiatives:

Dr. Mason is not only a prolific writer but also an innovator. She hosts the Free Your Mind with Dr. Sheena Mason podcast, offering a platform for insightful discussions. Additionally, she is developing an e-learning course titled Raceless Antiracism, expected to launch in Spring 2024.

Recognition and Impact:

Her work has garnered recognition, including the Esther Hubbard Whitaker Award, the Alden Scholar Lecture Series Award, and the Outstanding Scholar of the Year Award at SUNY Oneonta.

A Vision for a “Raceless” Future:

Dr. Sheena Michele Mason’s journey is an inspiring testament to the power of education, dialogue, and unwavering commitment to dismantling racism. Her work continues to shape the narrative, offering a vision for a society that ends the limitations of race/ism and embraces the true essence of humanity. As an educator, author, and advocate, Dr. Mason stands at the forefront of the ongoing struggle for a liberatory future.


For those committed to unification, healing, and reconciliation efforts, the togetherness wayfinder provides an accessible and enlightening pathway. In a landscape marked by both increased awareness and instances of racism, many inadvertently contribute to the perpetuation of discriminatory systems.

Togetherness Wayfinder steps in to educate organizations and institutions about the limitations of conventional approaches to help stop the causes and effects of racism. The wayfinder sheds light on why these methods often fall short and, more importantly, offers a clear-eyed understanding of what racism is and how to effectively halt its causes and effects. The ultimate goal is to cultivate positive and productive environments in workplaces, schools, learning spaces, and beyond.

Togetherness Wayfinder facilitates this transformative journey through a range of educational services, including coaching, consulting, workshops, and training sessions. Their diverse offerings extend to podcasts covering various topics, publications, engaging speaking events, conferences, and workplace cultural policy assessments. By providing a comprehensive toolkit of resources and insights, Togetherness Wayfinder empowers individuals and organizations to unify, heal, and actively work towards dismantling the structures that uphold racism. Whether you're new to these discussions or seeking fresh perspectives, this approach offers a valuable entry point into the crucial work of creating a truly inclusive culture.


Our Mission

We focus on bringing people together, promoting healing, and making things right by helping organizations and groups understand how racism can disguise itself as something called “race.” The first step is recognizing that racism has been a part of our history and is still present today. The second step is figuring out ways to stop accidentally supporting racism or what Dr. Sheena Mason calls “race(ism).” We're here to guide you through these steps and work towards unity, healing, reconciliation, and finding solutions.


Top Values Based on the Togetherness Wayfinder:

  1. Inclusivity: Embrace a more nuanced & inclusive perspective on human diversity that goes beyond traditional “racial” categorizations.

  2. Justice: Advocate for the effective dismantling of systemic racism & the elimination of power imbalances perpetuated by the belief in “race” & racialization.

  3. Truth and Awareness: Acknowledge the historical & cultural forces shaping racism & reject the notion that “race” is a biological or social construction.

  4. Equality: Strive for a society that rejects essentialism & recognizes the equality of all individuals.

  5. Empowerment: Empower individuals to reclaim agency by recognizing racism as a socio-structural phenomenon rather than an inherent trait.

  6. Linguistic Precision: Value the importance of precise language & embrace the racelessness translator as a tool to recalibrate perceptions framed in terms of “race” into more accurate terms like culture, ethnicity, economic class, social class, or racism itself.

  7. Education: Promote education & understanding of the complex concepts introduced by the theory, such as architecture, madness, twilight, the walking negative, rememory, invisible ink, consolation, maternal energy, diaspora, nation, & home.

  8. Agency: Encourage individuals to critically analyze & navigate the intricate terrain of racism, fostering a sense of agency to reject dehumanizing impacts.

  9. Transformation: Embrace the transformative potential of challenging conventional approaches to “race” and advocate for a reassessment of perspectives on human diversity.

  10. Unity and Healing: Prioritize unification, healing, & reconciliation as essential components in the journey towards a society that celebrates diverse identities unrestricted by racial boundaries.

These values reflect the core principles of Togetherness Wayfinder, emphasizing the importance of dismantling entrenched structures of racism & fostering a more equitable and inclusive society.